Plastic surgery evolves constantly. Although many factors may influence trends in the field of plastic surgery, let’s take a look at what is currently being discussed by plastic surgeons.
Today’s five top trends in overall facial cosmetic surgery are: article source!
It’s no longer the time of tightened faces. Now that surgeons are learning more about the process of aging, they better understand how to reduce the fullness around the eyes. In older people, fat tends to increase in the body but decrease in the face. Combining the loss of skin and fat in the face with muscle loss, the result is a wrinkled appearance. Facial fat distribution varies between individuals.
Plastic surgeons have developed surgical and nonsurgical methods to enhance the facial volume for the most natural, youthful appearance.
Non-invasive Treatments: With the advancement of technology, facial plastic surgery surgeons are now able to offer non-invasive procedures in their offices. The treatments are a great way to prolong the youthful look of patients.
Botox®, Restylane®, Juvederm® and others are examples of non-invasive treatment options that were only available in the last decade. Non-invasive treatment options are available that do not require any downtime. These treatments can make patients feel and look great (when done correctly) while costing significantly less.
Surgery is only performed by surgical experts who have been trained in advanced techniques.
Understanding the process of aging and its relationship to anatomy is a key factor. Cutting-edge surgeons are able to apply advanced techniques, resulting in more lasting, effective and natural results.
Consumer demand, across age and race, has increased cosmetic procedures. In addition, the demand allowed innovations to be developed faster over the past decade than they ever were before. With the demand increasing, so too has the number of providers. Research is essential for patients to select doctors that are certified in their chosen procedure by an appropriate certification board.
The number of males opting to undergo plastic surgery is increasing. This includes both surgical and other non-surgical procedures. These men want to look young, stay in demand on the market and maintain their competitiveness. Men may also desire to look more youthful for the sake of their loved ones, or retirees might want to reduce stress’ aesthetic impact. Many times, husbands are inspired by their wives’ results and wish to undergo the same procedure. Sometimes husbands undergo procedures with their spouses.